Thursday, July 9, 2009

Torture, terror... and then sex

So the day began with a damn early wake up call to grab breakfast and then clamber onto the coach for our trip through to Berlin. Thankfully the tour manager decided not to play the music too loud in the early hours of the morning as their is a good chance that there would have been a riot. This being of course due to the fact that most of the tour group was horrendously hung over and suffering the after effects of waaaaay too many drugs. Now stick all of them on a coach for several hours... I would have been laughing at them but as per usual I fell asleep as soon as I hit my seat.

The trip through to Berlin was mostly uneventful except at the service stations where I swear I have now seen the coolest toilets in the world. There's a sensor on it so that when you're done, it automatically flushes and then this thing comes out to sanitiye the toilet seat. It's weird. The entire seat rotates around while it's cleaned. No wonder they charge you to use the toilets, gotta pay of those research and development costs... yeah... on the plus side you get a receipt which lets you take the cost of the toilet off of any purchase in the shop there so I suppose it's fine. As our tour manager would say, "It's not wrong, it's just different".

Needless to say we eventually made it into Berlin after a loooooong (read somewhere around 10 hours) drive. I honestly don't know how our driver handles it. I would have died trying to drive for that long. Sure he gets the breaks but damn. The man is a machine, not to mention the crazy stuff he does for alley docking the coach. Man has mad skills. But anyway, we made it to Berlin where we were staying at our hostel called the Wombat... No seriously, a group full of Australians staying at the Wombat... contiki has a sense of humour.

Well our dinner here was free, well not free it was included... you get the point, which was good enough I suppose. Except for the damn mushroom sauce on the pork schnitzel. Well much scraping later and I had myself a decent dinner. As did the Jewish guy in the group who thought it was chicken... yeeeaaaahhh... lets just not go there. It was kind of special. But I suppose there has to be a first time for everything, I just find it amusing that that the jewish guy in the group is the one to have this happen to him... in Germany...

Anyway, after dinner we went off to go sightseeing, or more like sight losing. We found nothing of importance on our walk which took us off the maps we had. Whoops. And it wasn't my fault this time, or hers. It was new guy's fult. New guy being the Jewish guy... don't forget it. In any case, we did find one amusing sight, white trash fast food. Seriously, I have photographic evidence. I'm assuming that it was a language problem that allopwed us to get this spectacular take away place otherwise someone has a worse sense of humour than me... and that's saying something.

Finally we decided that an early night would be a good idea as we had a long walk early the next morning. Yeah right. So our room mates decided they were going to the bar to have a royal piss up with some of their friends. That was all fine and well. I cn handle drunk people coming into the room at whatever time. The noise doesn't usually last too long because they tend to pass out. That is of course, assuming that they aren't arguing right outsied the room about something with someone else. I dunno, I was too tired to go eavesdrop properly. Anyway, it means that I only got to sleep reaaaaallly late. Like 2 or 3 I think. Not sure of the exact times. Gonna see if we can get new room-mates for the next stop.

Me: 2
Her: 2
New Guy: 1

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