Sunday, July 5, 2009

Expiring trains... the hell

So welcome to London. Not you, me. If you're following me then sod off. Remember the restraining orders? I got some blank ones. Just need to fill in names. I swear it... freaks. Anyway I have arrived in London and what's the first thing I do... go to a motor show. Yes because that's what I've always wanted to do; get off a plane after a god awful long time and then go directly to some event in the BLISTERING heat. Oh well.

I do have to admit that it was kinda fun. The cars were awesome, especially the one that looked like a cross between an old Ferrari and a hearse. Okay so it was a Ferrari but seriously, the back of this thing was ridiculous. Looked like a box. Anyway, some of those old cars were wicked. 3 wheel Morgans. Those things kick ass. And then there was this other... thing is probably the best word. Cross between a racing car and a tractor. It had pistons and what not (I know bugger all about the inner workings of cars... or the outer workings for that matter) sitting right there behind the head of the driver. Rather weird looking but it made an awesome sound as it went speeding up the track.

Now as to the track. This entire event, oh I should probably mention that it was the Goodwood festival of speed, (The one in London [well United Kingdom {She *seriously* needs to stop correcting me}] not the dodgy one, seriously you think i flew back to go to that place?) was held on the ground of someone called Lord March (spelling?). I have no clue who he is but damn. Golf course, horse racing track, uphill car racing track, forest with dirt racing track... I do believe there is something known as too much money. Goddamn...

But anyway, this guy hosts this festival every year and it was pretty damn cool. If you like cars etc. then I highly recommend trying to get here to watch it. Famous bike riders and car drivers. The previous years Formula 1 cars, old cars, new cars, concept cars, seriously weird looking cars. They had everything. Some of the cars there were really awesome looking. Wow, okay so looking back at my post I think that I may have actually enjoyed the festival... go figure. And before any one mentions it I know that I use ... far to much. Just shut up and go away. I don't like Nazis, grammar or otherwise.

Moving on from that comes some rather entertaining shopping at the local spots where I FINALLY managed to get my grubby little mitts on world open warfare2 for the DS. I have been trying to get this game back home for age and it's never damn well in. Oh well, at least I have it and damn it's cool. Nothing quite like blowing up worms. But beyond that I have managed to nab some more games for my DS and it looks like I'm getting back into the 40K scene with my new army of orcs orcs orcs orcs orcs etc. Anyone has issues with that they can take it up with my manager. Yes I know I don't have a manager... getting the hint yet? Any way moving on.

Yesterday I had a lovely reunion with my good friend (correct term please?) Lee-Anne... which lasted all of about 30 seconds before the tickle and poking war started again. If you don't know us then I suppose it could look slightly odd from an outsiders point of view. But hey that's where I fall back to one of my mottos. You think I care? I have a few more of these things which I will impart upon you in various posts. No I can't tell you all of them now because I haven't made them up yet. My mottos and morals tend to be flexible based on the situation. Any way back to Lee-Anne.

She has been crazy enough to decide to go on my contiki tour with me. This should be fun... she stands no chance in the tickle war. Not to mention that neither of us has anything even remotely resembling a sense of direction. If we ever get separated from the tour group there's a good chance that we'll end up in Bolivia or something. And no it won't be impossible. I am almost certain that I have the ability to warp space time. Whenever I am trying to get somewhere and I'm not sure about the directions. I am almost positive that I can bend space so that I end up in weird places that I shouldn't be because there is no other explanation for how I could get to the places I end up in without passing a single recognizable landmark on the way back (Yes I know there are probably a whole host of other explanations but they're not as cool as mine, so sod off).

Anyway as a final note... bugger it I forgot what I was going to type. So...

Me: 1
Her: 1

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