Saturday, July 25, 2009

Chemical warfare of the peri-peri barbeque fart variety

Hello good morning and thankyou please, theres liable to be a blast of posts shortly as I actually have access to internet. Go me.

So when we, and by me I mean the royal we, had finished up in Venice and now it was time to get up nice and early and head off to Rome. Now I think I mentioned that Venice was hot. If I didn't then let me tell you now, Venice was hot. But Venice my friends, had nothing on Rome. Partially because we had awesome air conditioned cabins in Venice. Our accomodation in Rome was... less than awesome. But more on that later.

The first thing we did as we hit Rome was go on a mini walking tour. We got to see some cool stuff such as the Trevi fountain and spot the colloseum in the distance but more importantly we got to see the Pantheon. That building was cool. The size of it, for when it was built is pretty awesome, not mention that the only source of light in the place was a single hole in the roof which still managed to get the job done. After that it was time to go for a walk about and grab some dinner.

I must give this its own section so that I can describe to you something of great importance. You can get pizza anywhere in the world. Different places are better than others etc. etc. But there is still one universal truth. The Italians invented the pizza and by god can they make good ones. The pizza I had that night was by far the best pizza that I have ever had in my life. One moment it was on my plate and the next it was in my stomache with me wondering where it all went. If you ever want to have a propper pizza, go to Rome. Or at least to that little cafe/restaurant/thingy because damn was the food good. Anyway, moving on. After the meal we were all trundled back to the bus to go to our... accomodation...

To say we were dissapointed with the accomodation in Rome would be an understatement. It was definitely the worst we had had. The real kicker? Our tour manager, who had been warning us about how we had to lower our expectations of all the previous accomodations, kept raving about this one. He was going on and on about the facilities and about how this was a serious upgrade over the normal place. My question, how damn bad was the normal accomdation.

The rooms were like saunas. There is no other way to describe it. It was boiling hot and the room seemed to just pull whatever heat it could find into it. Then the other fun part about the rooms. Our cabin was basically a room in a 3 room cabin unit thing, and if anyone moved in any part of the unit the entire thing shook. Well that was fun... or not... At least there was a pool... which was closed by the time we got to the camp site. Okay so there was free internet... with huge queues and you could only use it for half an hour. Fail.

Needless to say it didn't look like Rome was going to be pleasant. Weather wise anyway. I was, however, planning to enjoy the day of sightseeing we had planned for the next day...

Me: 2
Her: 4
New Guy: 2
Chachi: 1
Bus: 2

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