We left Florence and Italy and started making our way across to Switzerland. Now for those of you who haven't been there... damn... the place looks amazing. It's just clean everywhere. Then you have these rolling green hills which are capped with snow. Actually now that I think about it it has kind of a stepford feel to it... moving along.
As we were heading in to the first town we would be stopping at our tour guide decided to give us some delightful information regarding the Swiss people. They are paranoid to hell and gone. They pretty much have their entire country rigged to be sealed in a matter of minutes if something should happen. Its crazy.
Mind you, I suppose that if I had a big Swiss bank account then I would want it to be protected like that but then again... if the country is sealed up then how the hell am I supposed to get in to the country to get my stuff? Well I suppose that's not what is supposed to be on your mind if war or something breaks out...
So we hit our first town, Lauterbrunnen or something like that, where we got to see this cool monument dedicated to some Swiss military guys who died years ago protecting one of the French kings (at least I think that's what we were told). The place was pretty cool and based on the story we were told it's clear to see why people let the Swiss get away with saying they have the best military in the world even if it's never been tested in a war.
Well we moved on from the monuments and got does to the real business of the Swiss people. Watches. We got taken to this awesome shop, Harry's Watch Emporium (I think thats's what it was called) which sold not only watches but Swiss Army knives as well. Needless to say, after much deliberation and deciding we left the shop much lighter in the wallets and sporting some rather nifty things if I do say so myself. Well, we left after some fun and games.
Lee-Anne and I apparently decided that we like the same knife at the shop so we each ordered one. Only for them to come back and tell us that they only had one in stock... Needless to say I decided to be a perfect gentleman and let Lee-Anne buy the one she wanted... with hardly any persuasion on her part... and I went for a slightly different one (And I still say I ended up with the better one, mwahahahaha). As for watches, I figured, I haven't had a watch since I was 10 and that was literally a Mickey Mouse watch. If I was going to start wearing a watch it was sure as hell going to be a propper Swiss made watch.
So as I said, we left with both of us lighter in the wallets, me a bit more so, and headed on to the place we would be staying for the next two days. It was a pretty decent place which supposedly had this awesome bar in it's bomb shelter. I say supposedly because wow, it was tiny. We headed there that evening as there was supposed to be some major big party happening in it, but I don't see how. The place could barely fit in the few people that had showed up while we were there. Anyway, we had a drink or two and then decided to turn in early for the night because Switzerland is where I was destined to fulfill my role on Contiki. I was to be a dishie. But more on that in the next post.
Me: 2
Her: 4
New Guy: 3
Chachi: 1
Bus: 2
Other Guy: 1
Vatican: 2
Me: 2
Her: 4
New Guy: 3
Chachi: 1
Bus: 2
Other Guy: 1
Vatican: 2